Welcome to my online home. I primarily use this site for
behind-the-scenes software development, but in the spirit of
what the web was when I first found it (you know, "back in
the old days"), I like to share a few parts of my life with
anyone out there who is mildly interested.
I have a full time job and a great life away from this computer
so I don't really update much of this site very often. However,
that doesn't mean you shouldn't check back occasionally to see
(or just use the RSS feed). And by all means feel free to drop
me a line.
I don't "blog" but I do occasionally post things that I
think other people might find interesting/helpful. You can
find my most recent posts below, or take a look under one
of the menus for writings on specific topics.
Here are the most recent things I've written.
For the rest, check out the site navigation
to find lists of topics and related writings.
Diabetes Mellitus is a 500 year old term that describes the sweet-smelling urine of people whose bodies have stopped being able to regulate blood sugar properly.
We now know that it refers to a family of different (and largely unrelated) diseases that all have the same symptoms before doctors can determine what has caused them. People – even doctors – still have trouble understanding the differences between these diseases, so I tried to come up with a simple and (hopefully) humerous analogy by thinking of each disease as a problem with your car.
This page is sort of a living document about my research into the naming history of autoimmune diabetes mellitus, more commonly known as Type 1 Diabetes.
There are obviously a lot of missing sections but I’ve been promising to get this posted for several years and I figure this is the best way to encourage myself to finish.
Diabetes Mellitus The name “Diabetes Mellitus” dates back roughly 500 years, and awarness of the disease by other names (e.
The Trossingen Lyre was uncovered in a 6th century gravesite in modern day Germany, and represents the most complete Anglo-Saxon lyre found to date. After making a prototype lyre out of plywood (links and more info for that coming soon), I decided to try my hand at this more difficult project.
This is an ongoing project, so I will be updating this page as often as I can.
You can read more about the original lyre in the German Wikipedia article about the Trossingen Lyre (English translation).